Franciscan order of Saint Joseph Cupertino, OFSJC

The Franciscan Order of Saint Joseph Cupertino was founded by Bishop Filipe Cupertino Teixeira, OFSJC in the Diocese of Saint Francis of Assisi, catholic Church of the Americas to ministry specifically to immigrants and deportees.
Certainly at the time of Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Clare of Assisi and Saint Joseph Cupertino, immigration, deportation were not an issue at all. However, in our days, human beings are walys searching for a better life.
In the early eighties, Bishop Teixeira left his country Angola to immigrate to the United States in order to ministry the immigrant communities, specifically Portuguese speaking communities.
Upon his arrival, in Boston, Massachusetts, Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC started to learn the needs of immigrant communities. He then, joined the Scalabrinian fathers, an order founded by Saint John Baptist in Italy to work with Italian immigrants around the world.
Before, Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC started his novitiate, he decided to leave the order and joined the Archdiocese of Boston where her studied theology.
However, it was not an easy time for Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC to continue his priesthood formation in the Archdiocese of Boston. In his last year of theology, Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC left the Roman Catholic Church and the Seminary.
Less than one year, Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC was back to the Ecumenical Catholic Church.
He was ordained as deacon on November 18th, 1995 and priest on 11th of May, 1996.
However, Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC never gave up his religious vocation as a Franciscan friar.
Once he was elected as a diocesan Bishop of the newly created diocese of Saint Francis of Assisi in the Catholic Church of the Americas, he then founded the religious order of Saint Joseph Cupertino for men and women, AKA Cupertinos Brothers and Cupertinas Sisters to ministry to the immigrant communities.
Today, Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC is the founder and General Superior of the Order.
We welcome every men and women who want to live in the Spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi, in poverty, obedience, chastity and vow to the deportees, imitating our Spiritual father Saint Joseph Cupertino.

Paz e Bem!
Paz et Bonum!


José Lelo said…
Sorry, sorry...false.

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