I was in my residence in Brockton about 5 minutes walk distance where a young white man, 22years old killed two cape verdeans and raped and shot another one on 103 Clinton Street Brockton, MA.
according to the media and Court disposition he confessed that his goal was to kill all blacks and Jewish people in Brockton.
Unfortunately, he started the killing in my Community by killing Selma Gonçalves and a 72 years old man who is collecting cans on the street.
It is unfortunate to hear that even today in 21st century some people still have this type of behavior in their hearts.
Nonetheless, we ought to dialogue among each other and see what brings to people's mind this kind of behavior. Hate crime is something that we wake up with or it is something that we learn in our family or society where we belong?
It is a dark time that we live today, but it also a time that we must stop and listen to the signs of time. As our economy gets hard and difficult, we must come together and work in unison for those most affected by this situation. Frustration and depression will arise day after day, but, one must be calm and patient to deal with ordinary things.
We as Cape Verdeans immigrants far from our home land, must come together and embrace one another in this terrible time.
It is my wishes that this tragic event will bring more unity and understanding among us, so we can build a strong community.
To all the families involved in this tragic events, my prayers and rapid healing for the victim in the hospital.
+ Bishop Teixeira, OFSJC


Cajaolo said…
Monseñor Teixeira,
soy sobrina del Padre Jaime Ossa Toro. No encuentro otro medio para comunicarme con usted más que comentar este artículo (que recoje un hecho que lamento mucho)
Mi familia quiere recoger los testimonios de las personas que conocieron a mi tío. Le agradecería si me escribe para explicarle mejor nuestro empeño. Mi mail es: cajaolo@yahoo.com Mil gracias y mis oraciones por su trabajo!!!
Thanks for getting back to me. My Spanish is not good. Padre Jaime was my Spiritual Director during my years at the Diocesan Seminary in Luanda Angola. He was a close friend to me and helped me tremendous during my formation year.

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